Claw Type Vacuum Pumps & Blowers


The Elmo Rietschle C-Series claw pumps and compressors generate contact free vacuum or compressed air efficiently and economically due to the principle of internal compression. The gas is pre-compressed within the compressing chamber and is then discharged. This leads to considerable energy savings compared to the traditional rotary lobe design without internal compression.

Product Details

  • Vacuum up to 50 mBar and Pressure to 2.2 Bar
  • High efficiency
  • Dry, contact free operation
  • Process safe and reliable
  • No oil in the compression chamber
  • No greasing of bearings
  • Cooling air can be discharged
  • Robust housing
  • Variable speed drives available
  • Low sound level
  • Patented triple lobe rotors
  • Pressure and vacuum combined in one stage
  • ATEX available


70004-ER C Series