Behringer Smooth Bore Series Sanitary Clamps


Behringer’s broad range of sanitary tube support products are designed to meet the unique demands of the hygienic processing industry. They can be mounted to the support structure by either welding, bolting, hanging, rail mount, strut mount or via stanchions. They can also be stacked on top of each other to save on space.

Product Details

Behringer Smooth Bore Series Sanitary Clamps – Our clamp components can be quickly and effectively secured and are virtually maintenance free. Our modular clamp design assures greater flexibility in assembly, adjustment and stacking as well as an endless variety of application configurations to suit every need while our injection-molded clamp halves have outstanding physical properties, offering excellent dielectrical and acoustical insulating properties. Our Santoprene clamp halves also offer resistance to salt water, oils as well as most acids, alkalis, and other chemical solutions.


